The US says “ceasefire”, Turkey says “pause”: American plan in action without a pause! 19 Ekim 2019 Gerçek
On the anniversary of June 24 Erdogan suffers defeat, AKP and MHP lose! Yet victory requires a complete break from the establishment and the USA aligned opposition! 24 Haziran 2019 Devrimci İşçi Partisi Merkez Komitesi
Boycott! Return to the bosom of the nation! For an Unchained Constituent Assembly! 8 Mayıs 2019 Devrimci İşçi Partisi
A first victory for the Sudanese revolution: will the people be able to override the “orderly transition”? 12 Nisan 2019 Gerçek
Humiliating defeat for Erdoğan in local elections: the working class punishes the government for the economic crisis 2 Nisan 2019 Gerçek
Friends of Palestine against Imperialism and Zionism on Palestinian Land Day: Bring down the Zionist state of Israel! 31 Mart 2019 Gerçek
We condemn the massacre at mosques in New Zealand! We grind our axe against the putrefied system that creates massacres, against fascism and racism! 15 Mart 2019 DİP
Down with the imperialist coup! Defend Venezuela against imperialism and its lackeys! Forward for a working-class solution to Venezuelan situation! 19 Şubat 2019 Gerçek
Conference on the Centenary of the Comintern: Anti-imperialist fury! Internationalist enthusiasm! Working class determination! 18 Şubat 2019 Gerçek
DİP Merkez Komitesi Bildirisi: Gizli diplomasiye, Kürt sorununun inkârına, çözümün reddine, emperyalizmin himayesine, gerici ve yayılmacı İkinci Cumhuriyet projesinin dayatılmasına hayır!
Emperyalizmin, Siyonizmin ve kuklalarının vaadi etnik arındırma ve mezhepçi boğazlaşmadır! Bizim çözümümüz Batı Asya’yı emperyalizmden ve Siyonizmden arındırmaktır!