Joint statement by the DIP and the EEK: 50 years from the Cyprus tragedy and division are enough! Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, unite and fight together against division, occupation and imperialism! For an Independent United Socialist Cyprus! 19 Temmuz 2024 EEK, DİP
May Day Statement of the Rakovsky Center for the peoples of Eurasia, the Mediterranean and the world: Mobilize to stop the imperialist drive towards world war and nuclear annihilation! 30 Nisan 2022 The International Socialist Center Christian Rakovsky
For a new Baku Congress of the Peoples of the East! For a United Front of Workers and Toilers of the MENA and the Caucasus! 1 Eylül 2020 Gerçek
DIP-EEK joint statement: War against war in the Aegean and the Mediterranean! 18 Ağustos 2020 EEK, DİP
Hands off our brother Şiar Rişvanoğlu, courageous defender of civil rights and social justice in Turkey! 16 Temmuz 2020 EEK MK Politbüro
We condemn the massacre at mosques in New Zealand! We grind our axe against the putrefied system that creates massacres, against fascism and racism! 15 Mart 2019 DİP
Emergency Euro-Mediterranean Encounter Final Resolution: Fight imperialism and war with the international socialist revolution! Forward to the revolutionary International! 5 Ağustos 2018 Christian Rakovski Balkan Socialist Centre and RedMed
130 thousand metalworkers in Turkey win partial victory despite government ban on strike 3 Şubat 2018 Gerçek
DİP Merkez Komitesi Bildirisi: Gizli diplomasiye, Kürt sorununun inkârına, çözümün reddine, emperyalizmin himayesine, gerici ve yayılmacı İkinci Cumhuriyet projesinin dayatılmasına hayır!
Emperyalizmin, Siyonizmin ve kuklalarının vaadi etnik arındırma ve mezhepçi boğazlaşmadır! Bizim çözümümüz Batı Asya’yı emperyalizmden ve Siyonizmden arındırmaktır!